筆不穩定 (unsteady pens) unsteady pens


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用於繪圖和著色的不穩定筆 unsteady pens for drawing and colouring



這支筆就是針對這種情況的。我還做了一些變化。它的尺寸很柔軟,因此您可以用它來繪畫* (?),即使它更像是一支筆。我和他們一起畫了下面的所有東西。



I made these basic pens for my use, but maybe they'll be useful for someone else.

Sometimes, having pen pressure-size on for my lining pen feels troublesome, and I don't want to pay that much attention to my lines. But if I turn it off completely, it looks boring...

This pen is for that kind of situation. I also made some variations. It's soft at a large size, so you can use it to paint* (?), even though it's more of a pen. I drew everything below with them.

Adding some noise on top looks decent, too.

I've been interested in rough guys lately, but I think these pens also feel nice for cute things.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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