我為之前的帖子道歉。這隻是一個測試,我不知道我所做的是否已經是完全 3D 的。但我正在盡我最大的努力創建 3D 材質。我們向下載此材料並查看圖片的人道歉。這是我第一次使用 3D 材質,我對它瞭解不多。如果不是 3D 材料,請與我聯繫。 I apologize for the previous post. It's just a test, I don't know if what I'm doing is already fully 3D. But I'm trying my best to create 3D materials. We apologize to those who downloaded this material and viewed the pictures. It was my first time working with 3D materials and I didn't know much about it. If it's not 3D material, please contact me.