抽象幾何圖案 (Abstract Geometric Patterns) Abstract Geometric Patterns


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用這些圖案為您的藝術增添一些活力! Add some pizzazz to your art with these patterns!

很高興再次花一些時間製作一些時髦的 pattern。它們是黑白的,可以隨意使用漸變貼圖、層次模式、層次顏色等更改顏色。


我為那些也可以做成絲帶的刷子添加了一些刷子。 它們對衣服和邊框有好處。
It's nice to spend some time making some funky patterns again. They come black and white, feel free to change the colors with gradient maps, layer modes, color of layer, and so on.

The background colors don't come with the patterns, they're there to show which parts are white & which parts are tarnsparent.  

I added a few brushes for the ones that could be made into ribbons as well.  They're good for clothes and borders.

哇,形狀各異 whoaaaah shapes dude


公開日期 : 3 days ago

更新日期 : 3 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D