瓶 (Bottles) Bottles


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瓶刷!我為我的漫畫製作了它,因為其中一個場景發生在藥劑師,我懶得畫數百個瓶子。 Bottle brush! I made it for my comic because one of the scenes takes place at an apothecary, and I cannot be bothered to draw hundreds of bottles.


使用它們的最佳方法是按住 Shift 鍵創建一行(確保從左到右!

這些是我使用的主要顏色,但如果你按 Ctrl+U 並進行調整,你可以得到不同的結果。如果您希望它們都是相同的顏色,您也可以使用 Edit > Convert to drawing color(H)。

This is the first brush I've made from scratch, so it's not perfect.

The best way to use them is to hold Shift to create a row (make sure to go left to right!).

These are the main colors I use, but you can get different results if you hit Ctrl+U and adjust. You could also use Edit > Convert to drawing color(H) if you want them to all be the same color.

Play with the opacity to make multiple rows. Good luck!


公開日期 : 11 hours ago

更新日期 : 11 hours ago

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