Office desk (ตึกๆ โต๊ะ ตึกๆ) (office desk (ตึกๆ โต๊ะ ตึกๆ)) office desk (ตึกๆ โต๊ะ ตึกๆ)


  • 852
  • 免費

現代風格的辦公桌,側面為 L 形,沒有椅子,適合想在老闆辦公室用作辦公桌的藝術家。 Modern style work desk with L-shaped sides, no chair, suitable for artists who want to use it as a desk in their boss's office.



2.我建議您先將要使用的人體模型放置在一個圖層上,不要發佈它。您按下 add layer。之後,按兩下以關閉前一層的所有層次。



How to use.

1.If the table comes before the character model This will result in the model being so small that it cannot be seen. Or if bringing in human models first would result in the table being shockingly large.

2.I recommend that you first place the human model you are going to use on a layer without posting it. You press add layer. After that, click to close all layers that were the previous layer.

3.Bring the drag table into a new layer. It will make the table the right size, not too big.

Thank you for downloading my model. 

材料 Material

  • 默認材質 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 默認佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

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