五彩紙屑和糖屑 (Confetti and Sprinkles) Confetti and Sprinkles


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兩個五彩紙屑畫筆(一個帶陰影,一個沒有。三個圓形灑水(2 個帶陰影)。 Two confetti brushes (one with a shadow one without. Three rounded sprinkles (2 with shadows).

這套筆刷,都有些許顏色抖動,只是提醒一下。 隨便需要改變粒子大小,我一般都把粒子大小設定為筆刷大小的一半。同樣,粒子密度也很容易修改,我喜歡多控制一點,所以我傾向於把它放在低端。
This brush set, all have some color jitter, just a heads up.  Feel free to change the particle size as needed, I have it generally set to the particle size as half of the brush size. Similarly, particle density is fairly easy to modify, I like a little more control so I tend to have it on the lower end.

五彩紙屑 Confetti


公開日期 : 5 hours ago

更新日期 : 5 hours ago

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