一組 6 個姿勢,顯示某人進行低踢。 A collection of 6 poses showing someone performing a low kick.
將姿勢應用於 3D 模型以用作參考,在製作動畫時,需要旋轉姿勢,以便在執行踢腿時頭部朝向同一方向。以下是按從左到右順序排列的姿勢,下面是具有這些姿勢的角色的示例動畫。

Apply the poses to a 3D model to be used as reference, when animating the pose will need to be rotated so that the head is facing the same direction while performing the kick. Below are poses in order from left to right, further below is an example animation of a character with these poses.

低踢姿勢 Low Kick Poses