具有顏色抖動的扁平刷子,用途廣泛。 A flat brush with colour jitter for a multitude of uses.
這是一個水準半透明的平面畫筆,帶有顏色抖動。它的目的是添加簡單的短筆觸來賦予質感,但我想如果你願意,你也可以將其用於書法之類 的東西。
This is a horizontal semi-transparent flat brush with colour jitter. It was made for the purpose of adding simple short strokes to give texture, but I suppose you could also use it for things like calligraphy if you so wanted.
Make details like sticky notes quick and easy!
Add shingles to your roof, and brick patterns to your wall!
Make distant building windows look nice!
Let me know if you have any questions on how to use it.