Lotus Root Stamp (Lotus Root Stamp) Lotus Root Stamp


  • 109
  • 免費

只是一把可以在你的作品上印上蓮花形狀的畫筆。 Just a brush that can stamp a lotus shape onto your art.



我喜歡開啟「水彩邊框」 但請隨意將其關閉。 您可以通過選中「混合畫筆筆尖變暗」 或打開「顏色混合」 來獲得不同的外觀。 找出最適合你的方法。:0

作為獎勵,您將獲得一支帶有蓮花尖的普通筆。 隨意根據自己的喜好進行調整。:)
I saw it at the supermarket and decided it would be fun to make a texture stamp from it.

It looks good at both small and large sizes.

I like having "Watercolor Border" on, but feel free to turn it off.  You can get different looks by checking "blend brush tip with darken" or by turning "color mixing" on.  Find out what works best for you. :0

As a bonus, you get a normal pen with the lotus tip.  Feel free to adjust it to your liking. :)

美! pretty!


公開日期 : 8 hours ago

更新日期 : 8 hours ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D