泰式瑜伽 ฤาษีดัดตน (Thai Yoga ฤาษีดัดตน) Thai Yoga ฤาษีดัดตน


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泰國隱士運動姿勢的圖片集,古老的泰式治療技術是傳統泰式按摩的一部分。 Set of pictures of Thai Hermit Exercise poses, ancient Thai healing technique as part of Traditional Thai Massage.



I drew them from the statues in Wat Pho.

I'm not sure if it would be useful for anyone's work. Will anyone use it? Just uploaded just in case.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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Full-time comic artist at Webtoon Thailand.