這是一組 10 張以網路為主題的框架和邊框圖像。我還提供了一個畫筆,它將以隨機順序輸出幀。您可以在 sub tool 詳細資訊視窗中更改順序。
這套與我之前發佈的材料「cyber frames」的風格相同。我正在製作「cyber Frames 3」,很快就會發佈,所以請務必回來查看或關注我!
This is a set of 10 cyber themed frame and border images. I've also included a brush that will output the frames in a random order. You can change the order in the sub tool detail window.
This set is in the same style as my previously released material "cyber frames". I am working on "cyber Frames 3" and will release it soon, so be sure to check back or follow me!
I hope you enjoy these! Thanks! :)
類別1 Category 1
Cyber Frames 2 - 隨機順序 Cyber Frames 2 - Random Order
網路邊界 Cyber Border
網路邊界條紋 Cyber Border Stripes
Cyber Border 瘦身 Cyber Border Skinny
網路文字框 Cyber Text Box
Cyber 文字框 - 無填充 Cyber Text Box - No Fill
Cyber Text Box 寬 Cyber Text Box Wide
Cyber Frame 矩形 Cyber Frame Rectangular
Cyber Frame 圓形 Cyber Frame Circular
Cyber Frame Circular 破損 Cyber Frame Circular Broken
Cyber Frame Circular 詳細 Cyber Frame Circular Detailed