埃及模式 (Egyptian Patterns) Egyptian Patterns


  • 28
  • 20 CLIPPY

所有畫筆均基於古埃及建築和文物。 All brushes are based off of Ancient Egyptian Architecture and Artifacts.


There are heaps of brushes in this pack all based on real Ancient Egyptian patterns found on things like columns, jewelry, and walls.

I really hope you all enjoy these!

單色畫筆 Single Colour Brushes

雙色畫筆 Dual Colour Brushes

Seemless 模式 Seemless Patterns


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

SphinxLuvDuvWuv 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hello my name is SphinxLuvDuvWuv (LuvDuv for short) I am an artist who is obsessed with Ancient Egypt. Most of my assets are either inspired by Ancient Egypt, or media inspired by it. I was inspired to start posting once I saw the lack of assets regarding it.