GinkgoLINE筆刷 (GinkgoLINEbrush) GinkgoLINEbrush


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這很難,因為我試圖在不說韓語的情況下寫英語。 한국어 내버려두고 영어 쓰려하니까 어렵네요

這是一個以線條藝術風格繪製 Ginkgo 的工具。你可以為線條設置 color1,為 color2(可以通過 x 命令更改)來為其葉子著色。(由單色和灰度層製作)

This is a tool for drawing Ginkgo in the line art style. You can set the color1 for the line and the color2(which can be changed by x command) for coloring its leaf. (made by monochrome & gray scale layers)

The way I see it, it is hard to say this brush has a good quality but feel free to use it. Thanks.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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