遊樂園之夜 (amusement park night) amusement park night


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夜間遊樂園 night time amusement park

2019年在Great America拍攝的耶誕節前後..我永遠不會忘記那些燈光,它們很漂亮,真的。現在有點舊了,哈。
Taken at Great America in 2019, sometime around christmas.. I could never forget the lights, they’re pretty, really. It’s a little old now, hah.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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I like to binge-download a ton of things- most of which I don't use. I follow people who make things I like! I love color sets, especially huge ones. If my posts are lazy, please ignore them. They are for the clippy (although all of them are).