不同體類型的對稱基礎草圖 Symmetrical base sketches of varying body types
2 種頭部類型、3 種身體類型和 4 種胸部類型。所有類型都被分開和分層,因此您可以輕鬆地混合和匹配它們。
原始畫布尺寸為 3000 像素高 x 2000 像素寬。
我創建這個基地是為了幫助人們製作 Vtubers,但請隨心所欲地使用它。
2 head types, 3 body types, and 4 chest types. All types are separated and layered so you can mix and match them easily.
Original canvas size is 3000px high by 2000px wide.
I created this base to help people make Vtubers, but please use it how you like.
These are base sketches, these are not prepared for rigging.