Milkat 自動操作 (Milkat Auto Actions) Milkat Auto Actions


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為懶惰的藝術家提供方便的自動操作 Convenient auto actions for the lazy artist


◆ 資料夾
↪ 如果您打算將圖層剪切到資料夾模式,請將資料夾模式設置為 “normal”

◆ 擴大基地
將選擇器圖層擴展 6 個圖元
↪ 我將其與 「change line color」 和 「white border」 操作一起使用

◆ 邊緣燈

◆ 雜訊疊加

◆ 水彩邊框

◆ 更改線條顏色
↪ 將此新圖層剪輯到您的線條藝術上。我總是合併基色

◆ 邊框筆設置/合併
↪ 您必須使用純白色繪圖,合併操作才能正常工作

◆ 白色邊框
以純白色添加所選圖層的副本,並擴展 3 圖元。
↪ 拖動到要具有白色邊框的圖層下方

◆ 白框

Video Showcase:

◆ Folder
Selected layers will automatically be put into a new folder set to "through" mode
↪ Set folder mode to "normal" if you intend on clipping layers to it

◆ Expand Base
Expands a selecter layer by 6 pixels
↪ I use this together with the "change line color" and "white border" actions

◆ Rim Light
Pressing this while having a layer or area selected adds a soft/glowy border

◆ Noise Overlay
Adds a noise texture on a new layer. Set your color picker to exclude draft layers so it ignores the texture.

◆ Watercolor Border
Adds a new layer with the watercolor effect

◆ Change Line Color
Combines selected layers to a new layer with darker colors.
↪ Clip this new layer to your lineart. I always merge the base colors

◆ Border Pen Setup/Merge
Setup adds a new layer with the border effect, Merge will leave only the outlines.
↪ You MUST draw with pure white for the merge action to work properly

◆ White Border
Adds a copy of your selected layer in pure white and expanded by 3 px.
↪ Drag below whichever layer you want to have a white border

◆ White Frame
Adds a white frame around your canvas

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

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Hiya, I'm Milkat and I love girls