我經常遇到我的作品被用於 AI 訓練和未經許可被轉發的問題。這種情況發生在很多藝術家身上,非常可悲,因為你在藝術上付出了非常多的努力。

當您在作品上添加浮浮水印時,它可能會導致人們指出,當在社交媒體上發現作品時,如果沒有對原創藝術家的適當信任,則不應該轉發該作品。浮水印還會混淆 AI 訓練,並且可以使用反 AI 雜訊疊加進一步保護,從而導致 AI 製作出糟糕的藝術。
Often, I have had the problem of my art being used for AI training and being reposted without permission. This happens to a lot of artists and is very sad, because you worked very hard on the art.

When you put a watermark over your work, it likely causes people to point out a work isn't supposed to be reposted when it is found on social media without proper credit to original artists. Watermarks can also confuse AI training, and can be further protected with anti-ai noise overlays, causing the AI to make bad art.
Please enjoy the overlay! I like to lower the opacity and changing the blending mode so that it adds a light effect. Here are some examples of the overlay in use.
Happy drawing!