彩/油○ My Go To Soft Brush (彩/油○ My Go To Soft Brush) 彩/油○ My Go To Soft Brush


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Soft Texture Brush(軟紋理畫筆),適合素描和紋理線條藝術。 Soft Texture Brush, good for sketching and textured lineart.

我用它來做我的線條藝術、我的著色和我的素描!這是一款非常柔軟的紋理畫筆,對鋼筆壓力反應良好。最初從 彩/BRUSH 的收藏中標記為「彩/油○」 ,但後來我對其進行了更改。
I use this for my Lineart, My coloring, and my sketching! It’s a great soft textured brush that responds well to pen pressure. Originally labeled “彩/油○” from 彩/BRUSH’s collection, but I have since made changes to it.


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更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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