驕傲姿勢 1 (Proud Pose 1) Proud Pose 1


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注意 :姿勢將使用預設的男性身體出現,儘管縮略圖使用女性身體 。它可以用於任何體型

一個為更具體的角度設計的姿勢,適合一個性格驕傲甚至時髦的角色。請根據自己的專案需要隨意調整 ʕ●.●ʔ
NOTE : the pose will come up using the default male body, although the thumbnail uses the female body . it can be used for any body type

a pose made for more specific angles, for a character who has a proud or even sassy personality. feel free to adjust as needed for your own projects ʕ●.●ʔ


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

kittystuff 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

below average artist, slightly more average brush maker