StrongMan 面孔 (StrongMan Face) StrongMan Face


  • 14
  • 80 CLIPPY
此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 2.2.0以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2.2.0 )

3D 模型:StrongMan Face Reference - 用於解剖學研究的細緻、肌肉發達的男性面部。 3D Model: StrongMan Face Reference - Detailed, muscular male face for anatomy studies.

StrongMan Face Reference 旨在提供強壯男人面部解剖結構的準確和逼真的參考,重點關注表情紋、骨骼結構和輪廓分明的面部肌肉等細節。它非常適合那些需要可靠起點來創建逼真或風格化角色的人,從而更容易研究比例和形狀。無論是 2D 還是 3D 藝術,此模型都是您工作流程中必不可少的工具。

The StrongMan Face Reference was designed to offer an accurate and realistic reference of the facial anatomy of a strong man, focusing on details like expression lines, bone structure, and well-defined facial muscles. It’s perfect for those who need a reliable starting point in creating realistic or stylized characters, making it easier to study proportions and shapes. Whether for 2D or 3D art, this model is an essential tool for your workflow.

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公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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