Marigold/Cempasuchil 線圖 (Marigold/Cempasuchil Line Drawing) Marigold/Cempasuchil Line Drawing


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由於亡靈節即將到來,我想做一個死亡之花的圖圖圖元材,也就是。Cempasuchil,又名。萬壽菊,或者您在您所在地區如何稱呼它。我認為這是一朵如此美麗的花,要把所有的花瓣都弄對真的很難,但總的來說,我對結果很滿意 :3
Since Day of the Dead is around the corner, I thought about doing a image material of the flower of the death, aka. cempasuchil, aka. marigold, or however you call it in your region. I think it's such a beautiful flower and it was really hard trying to get all the petals right, but overall I'm pretty happy with the result :3
Here's an example of how I'm using it, but feel free to use it however you want to.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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