[48 小時限量 10CP]人類赤壁頭 ([48H LIMITED 10CP] Human Chibi Head) [48H LIMITED 10CP] Human Chibi Head


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我的第一個 3D CSP 創作!!請欣賞 ^0^ 這是我製作的一個可愛的 3D 頭像,它是一個風格化的頭像一個女孩!它是為女孩設計的,但也可以為男孩設計!

這是供個人使用的,但我想與全世界分享它 >w<;;
My first 3D CSP creation!! Please enjoy ^0^ It's a cute 3D head I made, it is a stylized one to resemble a girl! It was made with girls in mind, but can be for boys too!

It was for personal use, but I wanted to share it with the world >w<;;

這是一個使用它的示例!你可以參考它或描摹它,隨便你喜歡^0^(我個人參考它,因為 3d 模型有時在我的風格下看起來並不可愛,但它很好地告訴我應該看到多少東西等等:D


Here is an example of it being used! You can reference it or trace it, whatever you like ^0^ (I personally reference it, because 3d models sometimes don't look cute with my style, but it works well to tell me how much one thing should be seen and so :D

Please enjoy it, my first creation!

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  • 默認材質 Default material

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  • 默認佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 1 hour ago

更新日期 : 1 hour ago

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