龍捲風踢姿勢 (Tornado Kick Poses) Tornado Kick Poses


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9 個姿勢的集合,用於展示某人正在執行旋轉的龍捲風踢腿。 A collection of 9 poses to show someone performing a spinning tornado kick.

將姿勢應用於 3D 模型以用作參考或創建動畫,則可能需要旋轉姿勢,以便角色在執行踢腿之前看起來好像在旋轉。

Apply the poses to a 3D model to be used as reference or create an animation, the poses may need to be rotated so that it looking as if the character is spinning before they perform the kick.
Below are all poses in order from left to right, further below is an example of the poses being used to create an animation.

龍捲風踢姿勢 Tornado Kick Poses


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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