Real Color 鉛筆套裝 (Real Color Pencil Set) Real Color Pencil Set


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基於我真實彩色鉛筆的顏色設置! Color set based on my real color pencils!

這套顏色是我真正的 Prismacolor 和 Arrtx 鉛筆的忠實再現 。(我什至按照它們在抽屜中的排列 方式 來組織它們。嘗試將它們混合在一起以獲得 更淺/更深的顏色 ,並享受樂趣!:)
This color set is a faithful recreation of my real Prismacolor and Arrtx pencils. (I even organized them by how they're organized in my drawer.) Try mixing them together for lighter/darker colors and have fun! :)


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更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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