女性亞裔頭部參考 (Female Asian head reference ) Female Asian head reference


  • 0
  • 70 CLIPPY

此模型是在 nomad sculpt 中創建的,僅供參考,請查看下面有關如何使用/上傳到剪輯工作室移動版/ios 的資訊

Zip 檔名為“2120442_Female Asian head reference .zip”資料夾名稱將相同

請打開 clip studio,點擊「檔」,然後點擊「導入」 ,點擊「3d 數據」 打開 zip 檔,最後點擊名為「亞洲女人頭 1」 的 obj 檔,這可能僅適用於手機和 PC
This model was created in nomad sculpt and is for reference please look below on how to use/upload to clip studio mobile/ios

Zip file name is “2120442_Female Asian head reference .zip“ folder name will be the same

After you download/purchase
Please open clip studio , click “file”, then click “import”, click “3d data”,open the zip file, finally click the obj file named “Asian woman head 1” this may only work for mobile and pc


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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