柔和的海洋生物 (Pastel sea life) Pastel sea life


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我用了很多海洋生物的柔和色彩 A lot of pastel color I used for sea life

如何打開色彩集以便將色彩集添加到調色板 中。如果您知道如何跳過這部分 :)
按下此視窗後,會彈出您想要按下您下載的顏色組。(如果您有多個顏色 集,如果您按住 Shift 並按下您的顏色集,它會一次性將它們全部添加。你想添加的任何東西都可以說同樣的事情)
擁有所需的顏色集后,按兩下 add palette

How to open the color set in order to add the color set to your palette. If you know how to just skip this part :)
When you open the color set your gonna wanna click the box with an arrow going down into said box.
Once you click this window pops up your gonna wanna click on the color set you downloaded. (If you have multiple if you hold shift and the click your color sets it adds them all in one go. Same thing could be said with anything you wanna add)
After you have the color sets you wanted your gonna click add palette

And done they should be add if you can't find them if you click where it says the name of the Color palette on the second photo. It's gonna drop down more color sets.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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