6 麥片盒設計 (6 Cereal Box Designs) 6 Cereal Box Designs


  • 12
  • 10 CLIPPY

來自一個虛構食品品牌的6個有趣且色彩豐富的麥片盒設計。 A set of 6 funny & colorful cereal box designs from a fictional food brand.

通過這兩層,您可以營造出典型早餐麥片盒的錯覺。(這不是 3D 物件!
這些產品 和吉祥物只是為這套遊戲發明的模仿。
購買的版本將沒有失真 浮浮水印。

Each design consists of a front image and a side (nutrition information) image.
With these two layers, you can create the illusion of a typical breakfast cereal box. (this is not a 3D object!)
These products and mascots are only invented parodies for this set.
The name logos are handwritten and not any established font.
The purchased version will come without the distortion watermark.

層次材質 Layer Material

圖像資料 Image Material


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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