選定區域的內陰影 (Inner shadow on selected area) Inner shadow on selected area


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沿您所做的任何選區的內邊緣創建柔和陰影! Creates a soft shadow along the inner edge of any selection you make!

使用您當前選擇的顏色將 Shading 添加為新的正片疊底圖層,因此之後可以輕鬆調整!默認情況下,內部模糊設置為 ~40px;這可以通過使用您喜歡的模糊強度重新錄製“Gaussian Blur”步驟來調整。
Shading is added as a new multiply layer using your currently selected color, so it can easily be adjusted afterwards! By default the inner blurring is set to ~40px; this can be adjusted by re-recording the "Gaussian Blur" step with your preferred blurring strength.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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