RPG 錦缎 (RPG Damask) RPG Damask


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RPG 風格的錦缎圖案!我很生氣沒有星形錦缎圖案,所以我自己做了一個。 


RPG-styled Damask patterns! I was annoyed there were no Star damask patterns, so I made one myself. 

I will likely add more patterns as I doodle/try to find the pattern I want for a character dress.

模式 Patterns


★ 2024 年 10 月 3 日 - 我添加了一個今天完成的新圖案!角色扮演遊戲 #5。還有更多的錯別字更正。 ★ 2024 年 8 月 31 日 - 我將我的免費模式作為免費贈品/集體下載添加到其中,因此請確保不要在下載方面複製它!此外,還更新了圖像。 ★ 2024 年 7 月 20 日 - 添加了我將用於角色魔法商店壁紙的圖案,並更新了拇指,價格暫時保持不變。(標籤也更新了,拼寫更正也已更新。 ★ 10/03/2024 - I added a new pattern that I finished today! RPG #5. Also more typo corrections.

★ 8/31/2024 - I added my free pattern to this as a freebie / collective download, so be sure not to duplicate it download-wise! also, updated the images.

★ 7/20/2024 - Added the pattern I'm going to use for a character's magic shop wallpaper, and updated thumbs with it, the price will remain the same for now. (Tags also updated, along with spelling corrections.)



公開日期 : 1 hour ago

更新日期 : 1 hour ago

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