推 N 拉 (Push N Pull) Push N Pull


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基於 Running Color 畫筆選項的非常時髦的畫筆!
Push N Pull 畫筆需要已經繪製顏色才能工作!
Very funky brushes based on the running color brush options!
Feel free to edit these brushes to your liking!
Push N Pull brushes need to have already painted colors to work!
Happy painting!

這是一組時髦的畫筆,其主要噱頭是基於 Running Color 畫筆選項!Push N Pull 部分中的畫筆實際上並沒有繪製任何東西,但它們確實會塗抹以前繪製的部分,您甚至可以與它們混合顏色,不過比常規混合需要更多的工作!
This is a funky set of brushes with the main gimmick of it being based on the running color brush option! The brushes in the Push N Pull section do not actually paint anything but they do smear previously painted sections and you can even blend colors with them, takes a bit more work than regular blending though!
Below is a mess but it does show how the brushes push and pull the paint!
The rest are just examples of drawings I made using all the brushes!
Works well with detailed and simple styles!

推 N 拉 Push N Pull


混合器 Blender


公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 2 days ago

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Hi there! My name is Rhiya but you can call me Rhy! I like to draw a lot and I made a webcomic called Dream State!