顆粒狀混合物 (Grainy Blend) Grainy Blend


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當你想要一個帶有一點紋理/牙齒的模糊時 - 看起來更“自然”。我相信這最初是其他人在商店裡的,但在接下來的幾年裡被刪除了,+ 我已經編輯了相當多。

Definitely adjust the size as needed. Pair it with a normal blur for different effects.

For when you want a blur with a bit of texture/tooth to it - looks more "natural". I believe this was originally on the store by someone else but has since been deleted in the years following, + I've edited it a fair bit.

Play with settings until you like it.


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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