【Argentium 和 Eternal 桂冠】 (【Argentium y Eternos Laureles】) 【Argentium y Eternos Laureles】


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Sunburst 和 laurel 畫筆,隨著時間的推移,我會改進它們,因為我對創建畫筆非常陌生,而且我不怎麼會出版商。我很抱歉我的英語不好,我正在説明自己翻譯。我希望你喜歡這些刷子,我稍後會改進它們。

🍃Argentinized brushes🍃

Sunburst and laurel brushes, over time I will improve them since I am very new to creating brushes and I am not much of a publisher. I am sorry for my bad English, I am helping myself with a translator. I hope you like the brushes, I will be improving them later.

🍃Argentinized brushes🍃

類別1 Categoría 1


1 樓 Sol 1


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

Cor_Putridum 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

19 ys old - Argentina - independent artist