驕傲騎士姿勢 (Neuvillette Pose) (Proud Knight pose (Neuvillette Pose)) Proud Knight pose (Neuvillette Pose)


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我想為一位雙手握著武器站立的戰士創造一個漂亮的姿勢。所以,我想到了 Neuvillette 先生在 Genshin Impact 中的姿勢,並受到了它的啟發。這是我第一次分享姿勢,當然,與 Neuvillette 的姿勢有一些細微的差異,但我希望你喜歡它,它無論如何都會對你有所説明!祝您創作愉快!~ :) I wanted to create a nice pose for a warrior who stands with both hands on his weapon. So, I thought of Mr. Neuvillette's pose in Genshin Impact and was inspired by it. This is the first time that i share a pose, and of course, there are some small differences with Neuvillette's pose but I hope you like it and it helps you anyway! Happy creating!~ :)


按兩下三十部分,然後按兩下Body Type 選擇並拖動要創建的角色類型。這是你的人體模型!:

然後,仍在 3D 部分中,按兩下 Pose,按兩下所需的姿勢並將其拖動到您的人體模型上。


Click on the two small arrows at the top right, above the preview of your layers :

Click on the 3D section, then on Body Type to select and drag the type of character you want to create. There's your mannequin! :

Then, still in the 3D section, click on Pose, click and drag the desired pose onto your mannequin.

You are ready to create your character!~


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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