漫畫的快速頭髮陰影畫筆 (Fast hair shadows brush for manga) Fast hair shadows brush for manga


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用於簡單但快速的漫畫頭髮陰影的畫筆。只是一個又好又快的形狀(特別是對於短髮)。對我的手來說,它真的很有用。對我來說,感覺就像真正的刷子。如果它對你的手也有好處,就使用它 :3

Brush for simple but fast manga hair shadows. Just a good and fast shape(especially for short hair). For my hand it’s really useful. For me feels like real brush. Use it if it’s good for your hand too :3

(I created this brush for exact characters, but it may be used for any. It’s just a curly hair, ppl.)


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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