帶葉的 Ultimate Gras (Ultimate Gras with leaves) Ultimate Gras with leaves


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此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.1.10.10以上的版本。 ( 下載最新版本 )

一個用樹葉和洗滌器創建草的簡單工具。非常適合森林地面裝飾 a simple tool to create grass with leaves and scrubbery. Perfect for forest ground decoration

Primary color (原色) 用於草和樹葉的 “主要顏色”,Secondary color (輔助色) 用於較暗的輪廓和一些較深的草。

- 可變顏色
- 可變筆大小
- 壓力效果 黑暗

A simple tool for decorations.
You have to pick primary and secondary color. 
Primary color is for the "main color" of grass and leaves, secondary color is for darker outlines and some darker grass.
Pressure makes everything a bit darker, for fast shaded areas.

- variable colors
- variable pen size
- pressure effects darkness


公開日期 : 4 hours ago

更新日期 : 4 hours ago

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