柔和變化素描鉛筆 (Soft Varied Sketch Pencil) Soft Varied Sketch Pencil


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我的素描風格非常粗糙和實驗性,所以我製作了這支鉛筆,它既可以畫淺線來粗略地勾勒出草圖,也可以畫深色線條來細化它。 壓力敏感度的映射方式使其易於保持光線,同時也不必用力獲得較暗的線條。 (腕管可不是開玩笑的! My style of sketching is very rough and experimental, so I made this pencil that can do both light lines to roughly plan out a sketch, and dark lines to refine it. The pressure sensitivity is mapped in such a way that it's easy to keep light, while also not having to push too hard to get darker lines. (Carpal tunnel is no joke!)


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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