Color Scribbles [由 Ny] (Color Scribbles [by Ny]) Color Scribbles [by Ny]


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由變色塗鴉組成的畫筆! A brush consisting of colour changing scribbles!

Ny 的 Color Scribbles

我決定分享我為我的一些繪畫製作的畫筆 - 也許有人也可以找到一些用途。我主要用它來製作我的半寫實肖像的皮膚。




如果塗鴉看起來太強烈或太清晰,請嘗試使用 [編輯] 功能表下的模糊濾鏡或 [智慧平滑]。


Color Scribbles by Ny

I decided to share this brush I made for some of my drawings - maybe someone can find some use for it as well. I mostly use it for the skin of my semi-realistic portraits.

How the bush looks
(shown using different colours)

As you can see, it changes the color of that little scribble shape slightly, allowing for some colour variance while still staying close to the colour you need.

It doesn't blend, though I might include a blending version as well in the future!

Quick Tip
If the scribbles look too intense or crisp, try using a blur filter or [smart smoothing] under the [edit] menu.

How I use the brush


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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