Fit 和 Smol Man (Fit and Smol Man) Fit and Smol Man


  • 16
  • 150 CLIPPY

專為 oc 而設計,但我想我也會在這裡分享它!如果你通過頸骨移動他的頭效果最好,因為如果你直接移動他的頭,他的臉會變得很有趣(不知道為什麼我的最新模型總是發生這種情況,因為我還沒有改變我裝配 pfffff 的方式)。

Made for an oc, but figured I'd share it here too! Works best if you move his head by the neck bone, as his face gets all funny if you move his head directly (idk why this keeps happening with my newest models because I haven't changed the way I rig pffff).

身體 Body

  • 瘦而矮的男人 2 thin and short man 2


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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