外星人 Dykuma 暴徒 (Alien Dykuma mob) Alien Dykuma mob


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作為人群的外星種族之一 One of the alien races as a crowd



Dykuma 外星人是類似沙漠的種族。住在沙漠城市。當他們旅行到不同的星球時,如果他們很冷,他們會穿長袖衣服。
One of the alien races which I use in my own work. You can have it now in your. Good for background crowd.

Use it with respect!

Dykuma aliens are desert-like race. Live in desert cities. When they travell to different planets if they are cold they weare long sleeve clothing.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

lomcia 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I am a webcomic artist :3