【免費 48 小時】- 向量色帶畫筆 (【Free for 48hrs】- Vector Ribbon Brushes) 【Free for 48hrs】- Vector Ribbon Brushes


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8 種獨特的向量手繪 Ribbon Bow 畫筆。各種用途。 8 Unique Vector-Made Hand Drawn Ribbon Bow Brushes. Various uses.

向量色帶畫筆 - Pincel de Fita Vetorial
벡터 리본 브러쉬 - ベクターリボンブラシ 

8 種獨特的手繪向量色帶畫筆!

  • 服裝
  • 背景
  • 輔料
  • 玩具

  • 唯一的限制是你的想像力
  • 8 種獨特的畫筆
  • 4 張原始向量影像(可以調整大小而不會降低品質)

顏色 畫筆可以用於任何顏色組合。輪廓和顏色是分開的,並會因圖層和子顏色 而改變

取向 畫筆的配置使其在所有四個方向上都以不同的方式繪製,從而可以根據是否繪製來輕鬆切換功能區的方向:
  • 從右至左(正常)
  • 從左到右(鏡像)
  • Up to Down (Upside Down)
  • Down to Up (Mirrored 和 Upside Down)
校正 畫筆可以進行後校正,因此即使色帶在繪製時看起來很奇怪,它也會在您鬆開時修復。


失真 Brush 已配置為您可以隨運動進行繪製。最終產品,因此它不必總是看起來相同,並且可以給人一種風或被扔在地上的外觀和感覺。
  • 運動
  • 交替角度

其他用途 畫筆可用於為衣服或背景創建花朵圖案或隨意設計。四處玩耍,看看你能創造什麼。

Vector Ribbon Brush - Pincel de Fita Vetorial
벡터 리본 브러쉬 - ベクターリボンブラシ 

8 Unique Hand-Drawn Vector-Made Color Ribbon Brushes!

Brushes Can Be Utilized For:
  • Clothing
  • Hair
  • Background
  • Accessories
  • Toys
  • Flowers

    The only limit is your imagination
Included in Download:
  • 8 Unique Brushes
  • 4 Original Vector Images (Can be resized without quality loss)
Brush Configuration

Color Brushes can be utilized in any color combination. Outline and color are separate and are altered by layer and sub color 

Orientation Brushes are configured so that they will draw in all four directions differently, making switching the direction of the ribbons easy based on if you draw:
  • Right to Left (Normal)
  • Left to Right (Mirrored)
  • Up to Down (Upside Down)
  • Down to Up (Mirrored and Upside Down)
Correction Brushes post-correct, so even if the ribbon looks strange as it is drawn, it will repair as you let go.
    Note: Draw quickly for a straighter line and curve slowly for a curved look. 

Despite post-correct, brush can still be utilized for background by drawing in any direction with any curve you want. 

Distortion Brush is configured so that you can draw with movement. The final product so it does not always have to look the same and can give the look and feel of wind or being thrown on the ground.
   Move the brush slowly in the direction you please to create: 
  • Movement
  • Flow
  • Alternate angles

Alternate Uses Brush can be utilized to create flower patterns or haphazard designs for clothes or backgrounds. Play around and see what all you can create.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 17 hours ago

更新日期 : 13 hours ago

MikaRaine 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey, I'm Mika! I've been an artist for some time, but am new to digital art. Please follow along on my learning journey :) I plan to create and share materials every once in a while. More than likely most if not all free the first two days, so have at it!