「FF」貧窮低聚乙烯月餅套餐 2024 (「FF」poor low poly mooncake set 2024) 「FF」poor low poly mooncake set 2024


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非常差的最低 2024 年聚乙烯月餅模型 作者:Cottoney

very poor lowest poly mooncake models for 2024 By Cottoney

Is it mooncake or moon cake???

隨時下載。除非 CSP 管理員刪除它,否則我 不會 刪除它 。





但是,我仍然不希望錯過一年的月餅系列。所以你開始吧!2024 年的月餅!

這是預設的 月餅。這就是你每次聽到「月餅」這個詞時的想法,相信我。所以我稍微降低了細節比例。儘管如此,我還是得到了你的紅點,因為我是一個中國孩子。呼呼呼。

雪月餅! (或者雪糕或其他什麼。我不知道。我只在 FB 上見過一次。沒有紅點!因為沒有紅雪,對吧?如果你想要一個紅點......不過,我認為您可以編輯此模型皮膚。所以試試吧!否則。只。。。打開 CSP 並在上面的圖層上添加一個紅點。._.

燒焦的哞哞-- 啊!!我的手!我的手!
燒焦的月餅 當然,沒有人或食物是完美的,所以這個月餅,特別是如果它是由像我這樣的人製作的。
.... ._.
否則,你可以假裝它是 巧克力月餅;也是非常黑的巧克力!

最後! 默認月餅但切成兩半! 所以更容易服務。



月餅 2023|yi(1) 版本 https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2034534
月餅 2023|er(2) 版本 https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2034075
(像往常一樣,他們是 FF。

等等,這不是 YT。



🥮 中秋節快樂! 🎑

我的個人資料:)通過ko-fi 支援我
FF」 is Forever Free! :D 
(I mean, do I dare to collect money from these UGLY things? No no no no no.)
Download whenever you want. I will not delete it except CSP admin does.


I am finally in university! Yay! (Applause please, thank you, thank you.)

AND I joined a club that uses me like a child labourer too. (Uwah!)

Therefore, I'm very busy. I cannot even finish all assignments and homework while typing this information. :/

But still, I don't want a year of the mooncake series to be missing. So here you go! Mooncakes for 2024!
(And, of course, no mooncakes in my dorm so no ref, just imagination.)

Here is the default mooncake. It's what you think whenever you hear the word 'mooncake', trust me. So I lower the detail scale a little. Nevertheless, I still got your red dot because I'm a Chinese kid. Huhuhu.

Snow mooncake! (or snow cake or whatever. I don't know. I just have seen once in FB.) No red dot! Because there is no red snow, right? If you want a red dot.... I think you might can edit this model skin though. So try it out! Or else. Just... open CSP and add a red dot on the above layer. ._.

Burnt moo-- ARGH!!! My hand! My hand!
Burnt mooncake. Of course nobody or food is perfect, so this mooncake, Especially if it was made by someone like me.
.... ._.
But worry not! The red dot is still fine, see? I'm good. :)
Otherwise, you can pretend it's a chocolate mooncake; very dark chocolate, too!

Lastly! Default mooncake but cut in half! So it is easier to serve.
Huh? Why no stuff inside?
I said in the very beginning that I'm lazy-- no, BUSY. What time will I have to make mooncakes' stuff. No no no NO! Calculus will haunt me if I take it's time to do that. Please, let me sleep peacefully.

Also, here are my previous versions if you really need a more realistic mooncake.


Mooncake 2023| yi(1) version: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2034534
Mooncake 2023| er(2) version: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2034075
(As usual, they are FF.)

And if you like (or not) my stuff. Please, like share subscribe.
Wait, it's not a YT.
Please pray for me to get some time to breath and pass all the midterm tests. Amen.

See ya when I got, umm, energy. 88!

(Of course, my very too pretty thumbnail.)

🥮Happy Mid-Autumn Fest! 🎑

Support me via ko-fi on my profile :)
Have a nice meal!
Don't eat too much (low quality) mooncakes.

poor_mooncake_2024 By Cottoney poor_mooncake_2024 By Cottoney


17 九月 24: 🥮🎑 - 編輯標題以使其可讀。 - 編輯了資訊中的拼寫錯誤詞並添加了更多詳細資訊。 - 如果有人可能需要的話,添加了指向適當月餅的連結。 17 SEP 24: 🥮🎑
- Edited title to be readable.
- Edited typo words in the info and added more details.
- Added links to proper mooncakes if someone might need it.


公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 1 day ago

Cottoney 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Huh? Calculus? Physics? Math? Material? Electronic? Python? Academic language? Pfft.. Who can study that much? No! (*high pitch*)


