【Temp Free】1740 Color 套裝 (【Temp Free】The 1740 Color set) 【Temp Free】The 1740 Color set


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每種顏色包含大約 1740 種陰影,所有陰影都按色調排序,並根據十六進位代碼進行命名。可用於通過添加帶有奇特顏色的微妙含義來突出設計中的特定意圖(例如:殺手角色中的“刺客紅”,“綠色嫉妒”或“宜人紫”來強調情感,“Once in a Blue Moon”作為場景/情境的放大等)。隨心所欲地擁抱創造力

The largest set of colors assembled.
Contains about 1740 shades for each color, all sorted by hue and named accordingly to hex codes. Can be used to highlight specific intention in design by adding subtle meaning with peculiar color (ex: 'Assassin's Red' in hitman character, 'Green Envy' or 'Pleasant Purple' to emphasize the emotion, 'Once in a Blue Moon' as amplify of scene/situation etc). Embrace creativity as you desire

For those who want exact colors.
Feel free to try and have a good time!

完整調色板 「功能表」 → 「檢視」 → 「每行 16 個圖塊 (7)」。

與 Color Wheel 配對

將目錄 「功能表」 → 「檢視」 → 「小清單」 設定
Full palette "Menu" → "View(S)" → "16 tiles per row(7)"

In pair with Color Wheel

Set catalog "Menu" → "View(S)" → "Small list"


公開日期 : 5 days ago

更新日期 : 5 days ago

Lycoris_ArtSpark 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Traditional fantasy artist specialized in watercolor pencils learns how to digital art & animation ✨