日落在藍色山上 350dpi (Sunset On blue Moutain 350dpi) Sunset On blue Moutain 350dpi


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圖像材質。我的日落照片。 Image Material. My Photo of a Sunset.

能 用作圖畫小說的背景。在編輯中使用 Tonal Correction(色調校正)、 對於漫畫中的黑白場景,可以實現灰度版本。我 希望它會有用。貓夫人是我自己的創作,目前僅用於演示目的。日落是我自己的照片,這張圖片可以隨意使用。




Can be used as a background in a Graphic Novel. Using the Tonal Correction in edit, a gray scale version can be achieved, for black and white scenes in a comic. I hope it will be useful. The Cat Lady is my own creation and for demonstration purposes only at this time. The sunset is my own photography and this image is free to use as you wish.

Image for background.

In use like a Graphic Novel or a Book Cover.

Black and White Grayscale. 


公開日期 : 6 days ago

更新日期 : 6 days ago

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