哭泣,手捂著臉。 (Crying, hand on face.) Crying, hand on face.


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我必須為我正在畫的東西組合一個姿勢。 A pose I had to put together for something I was drawing.


我用這個姿勢作為淚流滿面的 - 抬頭看著 “什麼”。可以很容易地用於無聊的角色,甚至只用於<你>閱讀本文並在 Clip Studio 免費資產中睡著。

Just used a standard female model for this. Was easy to adjust the pose to my characters body shape.

I used this pose as a teary- look up at ‘something’. Could easily be used for a bored character, or even just for <you> reading this and falling asleep drifting through clip studio free assets.

Anyway, I’m happy if you can find any use! Why make a pose if someone can struggle over most of the positionings. Have nice day :)


公開日期 : 20 days ago

更新日期 : 20 days ago

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