4 型頭髮 非洲系列 1 0f 1 (Type 4 hair Afro series 1 0f 1) Type 4 hair Afro series 1 0f 1


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Blown-Out Afro:柔和的體積刷

作為 Soft Volume Afro 系列的一部分,這款梳子非常適合打造蓬鬆、質地柔軟的非洲髮型,並捕捉吹出的捲髮的自然外觀。
Blown-Out Afro: Soft Volume Brush

Part of the Soft Volume Afro series, this brush is perfect for creating voluminous, soft-textured afro hairstyles and captures the natural look of blown-out, coily hair.

4 型捲髮系列 1 / 1
You can add realistic, fluffy hair effects on your characters to give them a look of blown-out with depth and personality. I created this brush because I needed something to mimic the natural density of afro hair, especially after blow-drying. As an African, I often notice how my hair looks denser post-shower, and this brush helps achieve that look in my illustrations. I’ll be sharing a few more brushes in this series soon!
Type 4 hair coiled curls series 1of 1


公開日期 : 9 days ago

更新日期 : 1 day ago

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