怪物皮膚和尖刺 (monsters skin and spikes) monsters skin and spikes


  • 93
  • 30 CLIPPY

一系列畫筆,可以畫出怪物般的皮膚、深色尖牙、刺痛和洞穴! a collection of brushes to draw monster like skin, dark fangs, stings and caves too!


I'm drawing many monster recently, so i've searched for a way to draw their skin faster! I added also a stone/cristal like spike, that can be used for skin, fangs, and as a dark cave too!
The brushes are suited for monotone and in a high resolution, but feel free to experiment!



公開日期 : 11 days ago

更新日期 : 11 days ago

Akaredio 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Manga artist settled in Europe, Published in Italy and in France (Oneira, Luminys quest, Somnia)