ww 筆:RM (ww Pen: RM) ww Pen: RM


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我前段時間發佈的 ww 畫筆的更新。包含 OriGinal ww 畫筆的修改版本 (wwOG) 和重新製作的版本 (wwRM)。 An update on the ww brush I published a while ago. Contains a modified version of the OriGinal ww brush (wwOG) and a ReMastered version (wwRM).


我在 ~2400 像素長/寬的畫布上使用 5px 的兩種畫筆。該畫筆最適合用於較小尺寸的畫筆,因為末端的點看起來更自然。


wwOG 的末端有更明顯的點,類似於原始的 ww 畫筆。但是,與原始筆觸相比,它創建的筆觸更細。這是我絕對最喜歡的素描筆之一。



wwRM 稍微平滑了這些點。但是,由於平滑,筆觸往往會更粗一些。

A sketch pen that thins out as more pressure is applied. It creates dots at the ends of strokes.

I use both brushes at 5px, on a ~2400px long/wide canvas. The brush is best used on smaller brush sizes, as the dots at the end look more natural.


wwOG has more pronounced dots at the ends, similar to the original ww brush. However, it creates thinner strokes compared to the original. It is one of my absolute favorite pens to sketch with.

I rarely line with this brush, but it can look something like this:


wwRM smooths out the dots a bit. However, the strokes tend to be a bit more thicker due to the smoothing.

ww 筆 ww Pen


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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Lymle/リムル. I'm an illustrator who likes to write and draw depressing things.