塊 (Block) Block


  • 40
  • 30 CLIPPY

另一個防禦姿勢,通過交叉前臂並保護他的臉來阻擋射出的能量。用於激烈的戰鬥場景,具有來自對手的壓倒性力量。也許用於防禦巨大爆炸的姿勢。 Another defense pose, blocking energy shot by crossing forearms and protecting his face. To be used in an intense fight scenes with ocverwhelming power from the opponent. Maybe used in a defense pose against a tremendous explosion.

Another defense pose, blocking energy shot by crossing forearms and protecting his face. To be used in an intense fight scenes with ocverwhelming power from the opponent. Maybe used in a defense pose against a tremendous explosion. 


公開日期 : 17 days ago

更新日期 : 17 days ago

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