一堆紋理 (A bunch of textures) A bunch of textures


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  • 30 CLIPPY

一大堆紋理,可以用於您需要的任何東西:D對於顆粒狀紋理,我建議在 overlay 上使用,但否則所有內容都只需要粘貼到畫布上 A whole bunch of textures that can be used for anything you need :D for the grainy texture I recommend using on overlay but otherwise everything should just need to be pasted on the canvas

紙張紋理示例 平滑紋理示例嘈雜紋理示例嘈雜紋理示例 2
Canvas texture example
Grainy texture example
Paper texture example Smooth texture exampleNoisy texture exampleNoisy texture example 2

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 24 days ago

更新日期 : 22 days ago

Arafyre 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Mainly like to draw cute characters :3