情感畫筆套裝 (Emotion Brushes Set) Emotion Brushes Set


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為網路漫畫設置的情感泡泡刷。這套有不同類型的情緒泡泡。您可以將此套裝用於網路漫畫和漫畫。我希望這套能在繪製網路漫畫和表達角色的情感時為您提供説明! Emotion bubble brushes set for webtoons. This set has diffirent type of emotion bubbles. You can use this set for webtoons and comics. I hope this set will help you while drawing webtoons and expressing your charachters' emotions!

這 套刷子有 10 種不同類型的情緒泡泡。它們都是五顏六色的,它們的顏色是不變的。

This brush set has 10 diffirent type of emotion bubbles. All of them are colorful, their color is not changeable.

情緒泡泡 Emotion Bubbles


公開日期 : 29 days ago

更新日期 : 27 days ago

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